

Helping customers prosper with flexible, forward-thinking solutions for agriculturally based products from a uniquely trusted name.

Decapolis generates indirect jobs through our network of farmers, suppliers, wholesalers, local buying agents, and service providers. In addition to our internal sourcing and markets, we also have significant import and export operations.

We are engaged in the production, sales and distribution of quality and fresh farm produce for domestic, industrial and the export market. We also facilitate distribution and marketing of farm inputs and produce in large and medium quantity for both local and export market



We advise both existing and intending farmers on possible ways of enhancing productivity. Intending farmers are advised on possible areas of operations to save and guard their investment.

Facilitating Inputs- identifies value chain specific best input for planting.

Our facilitators act as para extension agents trained by input suppliers to provide a reference knowledge base and critical support in good agricultural practices.

We believe in responsible food and agriculture.

Social Impact

Decapolis has a community of over 20 full time employees and, from time to time, employs up to 50 additional staff on part time basis. At full scale, we expect to provide direct employment for approximately 200-300 people while also indirectly employing over 1,000 additional people. In addition to this, over 3,000 jobs will be created by our network of outgrowers

As part of our development plans for our production complex, we plan to develop road, water, and power infrastructure that in many instances will be shared with our neighbouring communities.

During our first year in operation, we made it a point to engage contractors from our surrounding communities for jobs hire men and women from our immediate communities in several roles and complete our first Light project for the IKA community. We believe this is only the beginning, and we intend to scale up our level of community engagement as our operations..

We have a commitment to the stewardship of our food, our environment, our animal care and our people..

Why We Love Corn

Corn is an annual cereal grass plant that has several uses. It is used as livestock feed, biofuel, staple food and raw materials. Corn is a major food globally that is widely used. There are various commercial classifications for corn based mainly on the texture of the kernel. Some classifications are dent corn, flour corn, sweet corn, flint corn and popcorn. Corn is also harvested as fodder for our dairy’s operations